
DoorDars International School is a registered institution with the Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority (PEIRA), Islamabad,  Pakistan. It is also affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), Islamabad, for Matric Tech (IoT).

The school is currently providing both offline and online education to children of Pre-School and Grades 1-5 besides offering admissions in selected areas of Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSC) as per FBISE schemes of studies.  A recently introduced program of Matric Tech with  IoT Software and Hardware Development according to the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission NVTTC Matric Tech, SNC initiative. Current activities include offering on campus and off campus education for Pre-school and Primary School Grades 1 to 5 children. Single National Curriculum, is followed in letter and spirit. Matric Tech for 9th and 10th class students is offered in a single discipline of IoT Software and IoT Hardware Development. DoorDars has by far the most well equipped laboratories with modern tools, including all the basic models of Raspberry Pis and SBCs, latest Mcro-controllers in Arduino and ESP32 Series and a host of sensors to support its primary aims of providing an excellent learning environment. The school has well qualified teachers and is headed by  Ph.Ds. 

The school has a parallel website at https://doordars.org as well.